
Case Study

The Footage Was Already Shot. We Had to Turn it Into a Story. | Product Launch at 20,000 Feet | SRAM

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Full Film // 13:52

Summiting Mt. Tupungato, Argentina

The Background

Leading up to the summer of 2023, SRAM was preparing to launch its GX Eagle Transmission. The drivetrain is designed to check the boxes without compromising on robustness, reliability, or AXS wireless functionality - designed for riders of like mind who go hard and never hold back. Photographer, Margus Riga and Freerider, Kenny Smith recently completed an expedition to be the first people to summit Mt. Tupungato in Argentina, with bikes. While the goal was to summit, this trip also provided the opportunity to capture the GX Eagle Transmission on location and serve as the main source of content for the product launch on July 11th.

The Challenge

The goal of this project was to support the GX Eagle Transmission launch by showing it’s capable of adventure and robust to handle the unexpected through an engaging story about Margus and Kenny’s adventure.

The Approach

Port Side was hired to create a compelling narrative using the photographs and footage shot by Kenny and Margus. We started to understand the beats of the story through conversations with Kenny and Margus. Then with a beat sheet in hand, we interviewed Margus and Kenny and had them rehash the story. Since the assets for this film were supplied by Margus and Kenny, most of our work went into post-production to polish and shape the story into a narrative that kept people hooked.


  • Hero Video -13 minutes, 16x9 Format
  • Two Trailers - 30 Seconds, 9x16 Format

“I reached out to Port Side Productions for their help in leveraging an already-shot project in a new and exciting way. Pushing content beyond its original intent is never easy, and Cole’s team took on this challenge to find creative solutions and they did so with efficiency. The project had stunning photography, but it was the team at Port Side that pulled together a strong narrative thread. They did a fantastic job of taking a massive and unrelatable athletic feat, and humanized it through personalized storytelling.”

Stephen Matthews

Content Production Manager, SRAM


Client - Stephen Matthews

Athlete - Kenny Smith

Athlete/Photographer - Margus Riga

Director/Producer - Cole Heilborn

Cinematographer - Joey Winkler

Editor - Liz Astra

PA - Joseph Cunningham

Behind the scenes

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